A facebook game developed in 2010 on behalf of the relevant company mentioned on the about me page. It is an online and multi-user game.

Let me tell you the story of the meeting of this game with me; It started when a friend of mine, who left the company I worked for in 2010 and took on a design job in an agency in Istanbul, contacted us. They make an agreement with the relevant agency Eti to make this game, at first everything is fine, they agree with the company/game studio that will make the game, whatever. The visuals are being prepared, the game's story, mechanics, etc. everything is ready, whatever happened, the game company declares that they cannot make this game, agreements have been made, time has passed, the money has been taken, advertising studies have been done, it has been 30 days until the game is released, but the game is not there. When this happens, of course, the agency starts looking for a solution, and our friend working in the agency thinks of us. When he told us about this situation, the event was transferred to me, naturally, eee... There is 30 days, it will be a facebook game, it will be a multi-user game and it will be made with Adobe Flash at that time. Considering that it takes about half an hour to compile with flash, we can say that completing the Eti Cin Smiling Factory game in 30 days is like a miracle. They asked me if we could do it, and I said that history will be written by the brave :), we will try our best, we will work day and night, we will work day and night, with the permission of Allah, I said, and it was so, I brought it up on time. In those years, I stepped into the gaming world. Of course, I did it in other games, like a poker game for a betting site.

To make a footnote, I didn't want to go without saying that I had a great time making this game.